
Providing for Better Health in Zimbabwe to Those Who Need It Most


Average Life Expectancy


of Population HIV Positive


Patients per One Primary Healthcare Worker


To The Nearest Public Hospital

Access to quality healthcare should be an unalienable right for all. Healthcare is a vital component in the well-being of any community. Through collaboration with local government, ministries and other healthcare organisations, we aim to improve the state of health in Zimbabwe through local healthcare infrastructure improvement and provision of services.


Infrastructure & Equipment

A lack of resources, logistical limitations and a shortage of qualified and experienced manpower has plagued the facilitation of healthcare in recent years and as a result most facilities are in desperate need of attention. We intend to focus our efforts on redeveloping and re-equipping these facilities to a higher and useable standard and by providing the necessary training and support to ensure that ongoing preventative healthcare can be achieved for the benefit of the communities. 


Employment & Training

In recent years, the healthcare sector in Zimbabwe has suffered from an exodus of qualified healthcare professionals. As a result, patient to healthcare worker ratios are extremely high. We aim to reverse this trend by providing financial assistance for the employment of qualified staff and by implementing grassroots level training and awareness for healthcare workers and the local community with a focus on HIV/AIDS management and general family planning.


Logistical Support

Logistical support within the healthcare sector in the Sebungwe region is highly inadequate. With just one working ambulance and a few motorbikes available for healthcare workers to reach those in need, the mobility of both healthcare professionals and community members is sorely lacking. The Foundation aims to provide assistance through the provision of a specialised rough terrain ambulance and other rescue and response vehicles to allow easier access by healthcare workers attending to emergency situations.


Our goals toward filling the gap of adequate healthcare services and facilities in the region will focus strongly on infrastructure refurbishment, equipment provision and financial support for necessary healthcare professionals. If you’d like to invest in the Africa’s health or have a specific project in mind, please contact us and let us know!